A New Future for South Africa with TWTH
The Way to Happiness South Africa chapter reaches every level of society and every corner of their nation to tackle rising crime.

While some strides have been made, South Africa continues to struggle with its reputation as one of the world’s crime capitals. In 2017, the overall crime rate dropped by 1.8 percent, but not all types of crime decreased. Murder, for example, is on the rise for the 5th consecutive year, with an average of 52 murders a day.
But South Africa’s The Way to Happiness chapter, led by Heidi Wolfaardt, knows the remedy—The Way to Happiness (TWTH). Her team launched an all-out effort to reach each sector of South African society with the 21 precepts.
Because the police deal with the crime problem in all its forms, they are a major focus of training. For example, a presentation to the Commander of Pretoria’s Sunnyside Police Station resulted in a partnership that began with the training of 100 officers. Training was done with the Parkview Police Station in Johannesburg, as well as with youth of the Community Police Forum for the Katlehong Police Station.
One officer, Hermanus “Spook” van der Berg, named as a top member of the national police, saw the value of TWTH. He arranged the training of his own officers and delivery to three schools in the Olievenhoutbosch Township. The head of the Social Crime Prevention Division at Bramley Police Station—who knows criminality’s link to drugs and poverty—attended a TWTH workshop. He then brought with him to the next workshop members of community organizations that address drugs and poverty.
Partnerships formed with foundations across the country who now incorporate TWTH into their work. There is the Orlando Children’s Home in Soweto, which educates their children on the precepts. The Change the Mind NGO has TWTH lectures delivered as part of their social activities at Bertrams Junior School. In Cape Town, the Foundation for Positive Change has adopted the booklet for their work with people recovering from drug and alcohol abuse, including former gang members.
TWTH is nonreligious, yet speaks to anyone of any faith. Ministers therefore find it a resource for their parishioners. For instance, Pastor Shadrak inspired 30 other pastors to deliver TWTH seminars. The National Leader of the Vuvu Kane Church of South Africa, after being introduced to the program, had two of his bishops and several young church leaders trained in delivering the program.
There is no corner of South Africa too distant or too small to uplift the lives of anyone through the moral guidance of The Way to Happiness.
Events are held on special days to reach still further. This includes distribution of the booklet on Mandela Day, a celebration in honor of former President Nelson Mandela, as well as distribution during Freedom Day, which celebrates the day of the first Democratic elections and when Mandela became President.
But no matter the number of seminars, the only way to ensure every corner of the nation is reached, is through the media. So interviews on the 21 precepts were done on Mams FM radio, a station in the Mamelodi Township. Another on UJFM reached 55,000, while another on VOW FM reached 35,000 listeners.
Soweto TV aired the TWTH public service announcements to 70,000 and SABC 1 played each precept across South Africa and to other African nations.
There is no corner of South Africa too distant or too small to uplift the lives of anyone through the moral guidance of The Way to Happiness. And the TWTH team is continuing their effective actions as their aim is to ensure they have reached every South African with its message.

The Way to Happiness Foundation International works to reverse the moral decay of society by restoring trust and honesty through widespread distribution of the 21 precepts. Donations support production and distribution of The Way to Happiness booklet and curriculum material.